Saturday, January 16, 2010

YAY Alex!!!

Well, Alex has been accepted to Purdue University!! We may have a Boilermaker in our family!! He sent in several applications and hasn't heard back from everyone yet so he isn't making a decision yet. But in the mean time, way to go Alex!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My K'nex Genius

Well, Benji is a K'nex Genius! I can't believe that he can put these things together. He is currently working on a roller coaster. It is about 3 feet tall and probably 5 feet long. John has helped him with a little but Benji's done most of it. He is almost done, it takes up almost all of the open space in the living room. I'll share a picture of it when he is done. He can look at the picture in the instructions and just put it together. He can work at it for hours at a time!! It's amazing watching your child work so hard at something like this, and he's only 6!! Way to go Benji!! :)

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I am going to make some resolutions this year. I can share a couple with the world, I will NOT yell at my children (I'm sure they will love this one), I will eat less and exercise more.

Let's Begin

John says I don't have time for this. He said I should name this, "As if I don't have enough things to do, I'm going to start a blog...". He's such a comedian.

The boys are playing with Moon Sand right now...quietly. :) Yes, it is real sand, they love it of course, if it's messy then they love it (I guess that's typical for kids, right?). I will try not to make all of my posts about the kids. But that is my life right now so I'm not sure what else I can write about.

We had a great Christmas and New Year. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family and great friends.