Saturday, May 22, 2010

More May happenings

Benji went to the Real Life Farm with his class at school.  He milked a cow and said that it felt "bumpy".  He learned about pasteurizing the milk from cows.  He also got a ride on Tank.  You can read more to see the pictures.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Other May Activities

We've had other activities this May besides the basement.  Click "read more" to look at the pictures.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Alex's Senior Prom

Alex went to his senior prom on Friday night (5/14/2010).  He went with a girl from our church who lives in the Dearborn Ward.  Her name is Emily.  They look so great!  The prom was at the Rock Financial Showplace in Novi.  These pictures are taken at an old schoolhouse that is just down the road from us here in Canton, it is The Cherry Hill School (that is where we're having his grad party).  They said they had a great time!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

We have walls!!!

They took only 2 days to lay the block for the basement walls.  It was amazing watching them work.  Alex told me that we can NEVER move from this house, he now has a sentimental attachment to it, he helped build the basement.  The owner of the business that did the walls hired Alex to move block & mortar and anything else they needed done.  Alex asked if he would be hiring any summer help and the guy hired Alex on the spot.  He told Alex there may be some jobs this summer that he could work on, Alex will have to call him.  I guess it's better than working at Taco Bell!!

It rained the day the sewer line was inspected, the walls caved in and knocked it around.  John had to re-do it, bummer...

It was a cold and rainy day when they started putting in the block, not very good to be working outside.  The second day was better, still cold, but the sun was out and it wasn't rainy or windy.  In these pictures you can see the two big egress windows that are on the back (in addition to the glass block window which is where a bathroom is going).  There is also a Bilco door on the side, there will be a staircase leading to the outside right from the basement.  There are also three other smaller windows, 2 on one side and 1 on the side with the door.

We're almost done!!!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Moving right along...

Wow, it's been over a week since I've posted any pictures here.  They poured the footers and put down the gravel.  Also, John had to re-do the sewer line since it needs to go under the new basement floor.  We rented a backhoe and he did it himself.  They are starting to lay the block today, they were supposed to start yesterday but it was pouring rain so they couldn't do it.  It isn't raining now but it sure is cold and windy.  There are a lot of pictures this time.