Friday, June 10, 2011

Dawn's Shower

We had a great time at Dawn's shower, I hope everyone did!  I think it turned out really nice.  Here are some pictures.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dad's birthday!

We had a great time for dad's birthday! We went out to Red Robin and were even entertained by a super magician!!  You can follow the link to see the pictures.

Alex is coming home to visit!

Well, Alex has decided to stay for the summer term, which is a good decision, even if I miss him.  But he is coming home over the weekend of June 18 to visit!  I am so looking forward to that.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Hannah's dance recital was great!!

Hannah had her dance recital a few weeks ago.  I really like where she dances.  They do a great job with the choreography.  It is always a very nice recital.  Here are some pics of Hannah in her costume!

Nothing since January????

Well, Alex is finally coming home in just 3 weeks!  He is doing great in his classes.  He ended winter semester by Easter and he flew to Washington D.C. and met us at Doug & Annita's house (it was great to see him, of course).  He went back for Spring term to take a couple more classes.  He even has an engineering class this term, I know he likes that.
click for more

Friday, January 7, 2011

Our trip to Disney World was awesome!!

We had an awesome time at Disney World!  Everything turned out perfect for us.  The time of year was great, the parks were NOT crowded at all and the weather was great.  We really enjoyed ourselves.  I've put some pictures here.

Alex is at school

Well, we took Alex out to BYU.  It was a long trip.  We took the scenic route and covered almost 4000 miles in 9 days.  It is about 1650 miles from Canton to Provo.  I am sad that he is not here but I know that he should be at school right now.  It is a good place for him.  I like Provo, it is very pretty and the mountains are great.