Saturday, November 13, 2010

Tiger Cub Activity today - Police Department

Hannah, Benji (the Tiger Cub), Tucker & I went to the Canton Police Department today.  We went with Benji's Tiger Cubs.  It's always exciting visiting the Police (or Fire) Station.  The boys had a great time climbing in the police car.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Disney, here we come!!!

Well, the kids are in school and the time is going fast.  We have a lot going on over the next couple of months.  Only 8 days until we leave for Disney!  Next Tuesday (11/16) we will be flying down to Disney World for a week.  I can't believe we are actually going.  Not a typical vacation for us, but it is gong to be so much fun!

Then on 12/26, the day after Christmas we will be leaving to take Alex to BYU (in Provo, Utah) for school.  We will be home on January 4, 2011.  I can't believe it's going to be 2011!  I remember when Alex was just born....  Those were the days!  :)

We just had a family photo taken, as soon as I get the prints I'll post the pictures here.  We had a family shot and one with just the kids.

Also, if anyone wants to buy cookie dough Hannah is selling it for a band fundraiser.  I wish these were spread out over the year, this is the 4th fundraiser we've had since school started!!