Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Lots of work done in the past two days.  I knew this was going to be a big project, but the hardest part is making decisions about where things are going.  Like the staircase and the bathroom that will be in the basement.  We have to decide that in the next week or so.  The plumbing for the bathroom goes UNDER the basement floor so we have to decide the location now, and the staircase may determine where the beams go that support the house.  John wants a circular staircase going into the basement, that would be cool.  Click the "read more" to see the pictures.

If there is a dirt hill nearby, my boys are there!!!  In the pictures of the crawl space, look at the one that shows the water drain pipes. It is under the bathtub, notice how they just cut the floor joist to make room for the trap.  The quality of construction on this house is just frustrating for John!!!  These are the pictures from the past two days of work. 

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