Thursday, April 22, 2010

Up in the air

Yesterday (Wednesday 4/21) they lifted the house up to dig for the basement.  It is about 6 inches higher than it will be when it's all finished.  I didn't realize how much higher the other houses were that are next to us.  To make room for the sewer lines under the basement floor we will be about 8 inches higher than our next door neighbor.  It seems like we are way up in the air, but once we fill in the yard it will look very nice.  We are able to stay in the house while they are working, although it feels like a trailer does with the floor flexing and you can not only hear, but feel everyone walking around, even on the other side of the house.

In the pictures you can see the ladder we are using to get into the front door.  There are a LOT of BIG cracks in the drywall on the inside also.  We knew there would be cracks, but didn't realize they would be so big.   In one of the pictures near the bottom you can see Tucker holding up the end of the house!!  ;)

Read more to see pictures.

You can click on a picture to see a larger image.

1 comment:

  1. Holy cow! What a project! Looks amazing. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help out with.

    -Robert Soulier
