Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pat Buchanan sure knows how to explain my thoughts...

Pat Buchanan's latest thoughts about the whole "should we build a Mosque near ground-zero?" question is really on the mark.  I have been thinking a lot about how I feel about Muslims and how I SHOULD feel about Muslims.  I know that I am expected to love everybody and be tolerant, but I've had a hard time with the ones who think I should die because I don't believe in Allah.  Islam is supposed to be a religion of peace, yet the "terrorists" I hear about nowadays are mostly from the Islamic world.  That doesn't make sense.  I think that Pat Buchanan has explained how I feel about the issue better than I could explain it.  I especially liked this quote:

"Yet one would have to be obtuse not to understand that a Western nation that opens its doors to mass migration from the Islamic world is taking a grave risk with its unity and identity."

I really enjoy reading his articles.

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