Monday, February 1, 2010

February Already

We went to The Henry Ford Museum on 1/18/2010 (the kids & John had the day off), here are a few pictures.

The Wienermobile!!

Playing with a K'nex car.

Taking a break before we leave, they are tired.

I can't believe it's February already. Alex will be graduating from high school in just a few months. :( Alex didn't go with us to the museum so I had to take his pic later. You know, he hasn't stopped talking since he started about 17 years ago!!! :)

John gave a talk in church today. He explains things so well, I enjoy hearing him talk.

Benji is learning to read, he is always asking, does this word and that word rhyme? Or this is how you spell this word. I forgot how kids do that when they are learning to read. He also comes home with all of these new "facts" he learns in school. I get the feeling he is really liking this school thing. I have been working with him at home helping him learn to read, I think once he is able to read books he is going to be off and reading everything he can get his hands on. He just likes to have so much information.

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