Friday, February 5, 2010

I agree, Janice...

My friend Janice has a post titled "Just Be Happy" and what great advice that is. I have been thinking about that post since I read it and have been trying to apply that in my life and this week has shown me the wisdom of this advice although it is sometimes a hard thing to do.

President Obama's State of the Union was very depressing. I didn't watch, of course, I knew I wouldn't be able to sit through it, but I did read some of it after and heard some of it on the radio and TV news shows. I don't think I have ever agreed with any of the policies that have come from his administration yet. And he is way more extreme than President Clinton was. I was especially upset about his comment that working for our government is a more noble career than something in the private sector. That is very disturbing that our President could possibly have that opinion.

Another thing that bothered me this week was something I heard on the radio. A morning show was going to discuss the question of whether stay-at-home moms have too much free time! I know that they did that just to stir up trouble, that's what they do. I don't know why I let it bother me, I guess because that is my identity right now and it hurts when somebody criticizes me. I haven't been one to take criticism very well.

Anyway, I let these things of the world bother me and I have to let it go. I am so glad that I am married to someone who doesn't let a lot of stuff bother him. He is such a good example to me to just let things go. I am trying to do that, I have so many other things to worry about that mean so much more in my life.

I hope all of my friends and family are doing well. I often think of all of the wonderful people that are in my life and am very grateful for each of you.

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