Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day

Well, the kids finally had a snow day today. They went sledding for a while this afternoon, I should have gone out there and taken some pictures of them. I will have to do that.

I can't believe that Benji broke his glasses AGAIN! He has had glasses only about 3 months and he has broken two pair!! We can't keep up with this. Maybe we'll get him those sports glasses this time. I'm glad we have good vision insurance, we wouldn't be able to keep him in glasses otherwise!!

So the kids had a great time sliding down the hill behind our house. There hasn't been a lot of snow this year for much sledding, I looked at the forecast and it is supposed to be below freezing for the next week or so, that's good, the snow will be here for a little while anyway. Maybe more sledding this weekend!!

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