Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Am I being manipulated??

I went shopping yesterday and took Tucker with me. He was great, didn't give me any trouble. Except for one incident. I was "in" the freezer inspecting the veggies, deciding which ones to get. Tucker started pushing the cart down the isle. Before I realized it, he had just about run over an older woman. When I turned around and saw what happened I went down and scolded him for pushing the cart into people. I told him to apologize, which he did. Then we went on our way. A minute later he starts crying and said to me, "Mama, you broke my heart!!" Which, hearing him say this to me with tears running down his pudgy cheeks, broke my heart. Of course he said this because I had hurt his feelings when I scolded him for pushing the cart into people, he's very sensitive that way. Is he learning to be manipulative an early age?

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