Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Great Race

Why does race matter so much? I just filled out an application for Tucker for school for next year. Of course, it had the "race" question. I did not answer this. I NEVER answer this question. They called me and asked me what the answer was because they "had to enter it into the computer". I didn't argue with them, it wasn't the person's fault who was on the phone, they were just doing their job.

If we are supposed to be blind to race then why do we have to answer this question on applications for everything?

The P-CCS now has a class on African-American history (which is racist in itself, it should all be covered in AMERICAN history, after all, aren't we all Americans?). There was an African-American person who was upset because this was not being taught by an African-American teacher. Why would one person be more qualified to teach a class like that over another? Can't a white or Asian or Indian person see the injustice that was done and have the same sick feeling of revulsion and be able to teach the material?

I think the only way we can be truly blind to race is when we don't have to answer the question anymore.

I will always answer I am a member of the HUMAN RACE.

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