Thursday, March 11, 2010

Went to Purdue

Well, we went to Purdue on Monday. Kind of a last minute thing, I called them on Friday and found out there was only one opening left for the admissions program tour and it was on Monday, so I made it happen. My family & friends are so awesome for helping us out like that!! Thanks!!

The town is so nice, and the school is great. I really think that Alex would fit in there. Everyone was very nice and helpful. I got a good feeling about the school as we were there. They even have a student branch of our church with their own building right there on campus.

It is a very big school but it has a small-school feel. The engineering program is the same for all freshmen, they go into a specific area of engineering their second year. Alex was invited into the Engineering Honors program as well. Purdue is looking very good right now.

Alex received a letter from Wayne State today (he also applied there), he has been offered a full four year scholarship at Wayne State in the Honors College there.

I can't believe that he is going to be in college in just a few months. That makes me kind of sad that he is going to be moving. I hope this isn't going to be for good. I know the economy in MI is bad but I'll hold out hope that he will be able to find a job here when he is done with school.

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